

Energia Group maintains an ethical approach to all of our regulatory responsibilities, obligations under licences, public positioning and marketing of products and services. Our aim is to be transparent in all of our dealings with third parties and we have a number of policies in place to underpin this objective. Policies include anti-corruption and bribery, anti-slavery and human trafficking, Code of Conduct and ‘whistleblowing’ procedures as well as the Group’s corporate governance arrangements.

Energia Group’s procurement policy is to source equipment, goods and services from a wide range of suppliers throughout the EU and beyond in accordance with commercial practices based on fairness and transparency. The Group’s UK businesses are committed to ensuring transparency in their approach to tackling modern slavery consistent with the Modern Slavery Act 2015.

Where applicable we adhere to the required tender procedures of the EU Procurement Directive as it relates to Utilities. We recognise the important role that suppliers play in business and we work to ensure that payments are made to them in accordance with agreed contractual terms. During the past year the Group’s Northern Ireland operations for Energia and Power NI commenced reporting on payment practices and performance in line with the requirements of the UK government’s Small Business, Enterprise and Employment Act 2015.

As a major purchaser, the Group recognises that it has an opportunity to encourage suppliers of materials and services to deliver good environmental and safety performance and to maintain responsible practices towards their employees and the communities in which they operate.