The Board of Energia Group NI Holdings Limited (EGNIHL) is the main operational Board for the Group. The EGNIHL Board comprises of three Executive Directors; the Chief Executive Officer; the Chief Financial Officer and the Chief Operating Officer and eight Non-Executive Directors.
The EGNIHL Board of Directors meet formally at least six times a year plus other ad-hoc meetings as required to carry out their duties. Formal committees of the EGNIHL Board include an Audit Committee, Remuneration Committee, Risk Management Committee and the Energia Group Management Board (EGMB). The management of day-to-day operations of the Group is delegated to the EGMB.
The EGMB meets monthly and comprises of 13 senior managers including the Chief Executive Officer, Chief Financial Officer, Chief Operating Officer, business unit Managing Directors and function heads.
At each meeting the EGMB review Health & Safety, financial and business performance, ESG initiatives, strategic development initiatives, as well as HR, legal and IT updates. Each business unit has its own business management board which meets monthly with a business performance and operational focus.
Further information on the Group’s approach tothe management of risk is set out in the “Risk Management and Principal Risks and Uncertainties” section of the Energia Group FY24 Annual Report.

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