A leader in sustainable energy advancements in Ireland
Technology & Innovation
Innovation is at the heart of Energia Group
Long term collaboration, along with a real commitment to customers and the environment, encourages the discovery of intelligent energy solutions and accelerates innovation for a brighter future.
Simply put, climate smart strategies for people and businesses make sense.
For around 20 years Energia Group has been leading the way in this area. Our innovation hub is consistently busy, proactively developing and testing new ideas to bring to market.
Our range of tech-led solutions for renewable energy contributes to decarbonisation and occupies a pivotal position in a more sustainable energy environment.
Why? Because innovation makes sustainability easier.
Innovation allows people and businesses more control over the energy they generate, use, store and share. It enables us to become energy ‘pro-sumers’ - producers and consumers of energy within our own homes and businesses.
Green business is good business and is far reaching with critical long term benefits.
Energia Group is a leading investor in renewable energy technologies, the expansion of which has been fuelled by an appetite for more efficient and sustainable energy sources. In a world where climate action ambition has been significantly upgraded, wind and bioenergy are two renewable energy sources set to power us to new levels of sustainability.

Energia Group supplies green electricity generated from 1,575 MW of the Group’s own wind farms and other third party renewable generators throughout Ireland. A by-product from sourcing green electricity from these renewable generation sources comes in the form of Community Benefit Schemes which provide funding across social and charitable enterprises in their local areas. Our wind farms co-exist alongside local communities and have become a focal point for educational initiatives on the advantages of creating a renewable and sustainable energy source for us all.

In order to deliver on the ambitious carbon reduction targets set out in the EU’s 2030 climate and energy framework, greater penetration of renewable generation technologies will be required. Offshore wind is a highly scalable renewable energy technology, capable of generating large volumes of low carbon electricity.
Energia Group recognises this significant untapped natural resource and is in the process of developing two off-shore projects on the South East Coast of Ireland. Combined, the North Celtic Sea and South Irish Sea renewable energy projects could provide up to 1,600MW of renewable offshore wind power capable of generating enough green electricity to power over 1 million homes and businesses and avoid more than 2 million tonnes of carbon emissions.

Developments in hydrogen production as a viable form of renewable energy along with the awarding of critical new funding, will see Energia Group become market leader on the island of Ireland for the production of renewable hydrogen. Utilising wind output in times of low consumer demand for electricity to produce hydrogen as a fuel for transport is the optimal solution to ultimately enable higher penetrations of renewable technologies in the Irish generation mix.
European (Interreg) and UK (OLEV) funding for the project will go to the development of three key elements for the establishment of Energia Group’s hydrogen business: the installation of 500KW Electrolyser at Long Mountain Wind Farm capable of producing up to 70,000kg of Renewable Hydrogen per year; 3 hydrogen double deck buses to be owned and operated by the NI public transport company (Translink); and a 5 year hydrogen supply agreement with Translink. You can read more anout this project and the press release here.
Find up to date coverage on projects within News & Media.

Energia Group is also assessing new opportunities for investment and growth in Flexible Generation sources. Nowadays, the grid needs to have available power all of the time and an ongoing capability to adjust outputs to suit demands.
As well as the provision of peaking plants which would provide an immediate ‘switch-on’ supply capability to the grid; large scale energy storage facilities are also being seen as a solution.
Developments in this field will allow users more flexibility and control over the energy they use, store and share.

Energia Group is currently developing solar farms with a total capacity of 628MW in Meath and Dublin capable of powering approximately 130,000 homes and businesses.

Battery storage is an important enabling technology for the energy transition across the island of Ireland. Our 50 MW battery storage facility in Castlereagh will help match intermittent generation from renewable energy sources, such as wind and solar, with the peaks and troughs of real time electricity demand. The facility will absorb and store electricity when a surplus is available and release it back into the system when electricity demand exceeds supply. We understand the importance of building green and having a positive impact on biodiversity. We are also incorporating a pollinator hedge into the facility as part of our commitment to the All-Ireland Pollinator Plan

As a solution to satisfying 24/7 demands on the grid for energy, Energia Group has invested in major generating assets – both conventional and renewable –complimented by advanced technological solutions to meet the needs of a sophisticated and dynamic energy market.
We are currently working with up to 12 of our largest energy customers to establish Behind the Meter energy generation and storage solutions on their own sites. These solutions would lead to energy being fed into the grid when not required for their own operations.
Current Behind the Meter opportunities being assessed by Energia include:
• Installation of solar and storage across retail sectors, aggregated to participate in wholesale markets;
• Linking of solar and storage installation with EV charging solutions and retail tariffs;
• EV opportunities – e.g. Vehicle to Grid
These “virtual generator” opportunities are currently being assessed and potential funding options for pilot projects being investigated.