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Energia Group Welcomes New Graduates for 20/21

Energia Group is proud to continue the Graduate Development Programme into years 20/21. Despite the current pandemic throwing us the Covid-19 curveball, we were adamant to continue with the programme and provide our new graduates with this valuable experience and opportunity.

'The show must go on'.. as the saying goes, here at Energia Group, we're not prepared to miss out on opportunities to grow and innovate from the energy of talented new graduates and likewise we want to keep providing openings in the area of energy, technology and innovation. So our HR team has been busy preparing for a Working From Home Introduction for this year's 20/21 new Energia Group Graduates.

Below is a snapshot of our graduates during one of their onboarding sessions.


  • Our new graduates are commencing this year starting w/c 7th September and come from a variety of universities across the island of Ireland.
  • This year Energia Group welcome 13 graduates across the business
    • 5 Finance graduates
    • 4 Engineering graduates
    • 4 General incl– Trading, Service Ops, Technology and Regulation
  • The graduates will benefit from a diverse range of opportunities, some of which include:
    • Modular personal and leadership development programme delivered in Partnership with CMD (external Consultants).
    • Each grad will be assigned a Mentor.
    • Rotations every 6 months for general and engineering grads to build awareness of the overall business, Finance grads work towards their Accountancy Qualification.
  • Below is a preview of this year's flyer with more details (click to view in full).


HR are delighted to welcome our new team members on board.

Paula McBrien commented:

"Last year we launched the first Energia Group Graduate programme and at the time we had expected it to run very differently. Like most organisations, the majority of our staff are now working remotely.  When assessing whether we should continue with the 2020 Graduate scheme in the face of Covid, and the challenges remote onboarding of graduates bring we concluded we could not miss out on the Innovative ideas and fresh thinking graduates bring to the company.  We are delighted with were in a position to continue and want to take this opportunity to welcome our Graduates and placement students to Energia Group."