Operational battery energy storage system

Castlereagh Battery Storage, Co. Down

Energia’s first grid-connected battery energy storage system (BESS) is now operational on our Castlereagh site, just outside Belfast. The Castlereagh battery storage facility is located near the existing substation and utilises the local electrical infrastructure to connect to the grid.

The development is comprised of a series of containers or cubes, each containing rechargeable battery units, together with associated development, including associated electricity substation and transformer compound, security fencing, CCTV and lightning mast. 

The on-site 110kV substation is operated by NIE. It is directly connected to the Castlereagh substation and transmission network.

The battery facility will help the stability of the electricity grid during times of high renewable generation by storing electricity, which can then be released back into the system very quickly when needed.



Maintenance Updates

The Castlereagh battery storage facility is now operational - with some outstanding works on and off site still to be completed.

Landscaping and planting will resume in the autumn.  This will include re-planting a section of the hedge which was removed to erect a wooden fence.

We will continue to post maintenance updates here.


Battery Storage: How it works:

Battery storage is an important enabling technology for Northern Ireland’s energy transition.

Renewable energy is now supplying more than 40% our annual electricity needs.   Battery storage facilities like Castlereagh will help match intermittent generation from renewable energy sources, such as wind and solar, with the peaks and troughs of real time electricity demand. 

The facility will absorb and store electricity when a surplus is available and release it back into the system when electricity demand exceeds supply. 

If you have any questions about the Castlereagh Battery Storage facility, please contact:

  • Rosy Billingham – Energia Renewables Community Liaison Officer (CLO)
  • Email clo@energia.ie
  • Telephone 028 90 685992

Castlereagh Battery Storage Development Location Map

54.56168073501254, -5.868532442093411