Site details
The Clunahill Wind Farm development is situated in the townland of Clunahill Glebe, near Drumquin in County Tyrone.
The area of the site is approximately 105 hectares. Access to the site is granted via an existing entrance on the Glenbane Road.
Planning permission was originally granted in 2015 for six turbines with a rotor diameter of 80 m and a maximum tip height of 100 m. However, due to changes in turbine models, Energia Renewables are currently preparing a new planning application to amend these consented dimensions in line with improved turbine technology and availability.
Planning amendments
The proposed amendments to the approved wind farm include the following:
Why are these amendments necessary?
There have been significant advancements in turbine technology in recent years. Newer turbine models are more efficient and will generate more energy, helping Northern Ireland to achieve its Climate Action targets.
The revised wind farm design and turbine height take into account the nature and elevation of the site in order to minimise any difference in visual impact.
We have produced new photomontages of the proposed 142.5 m turbines from key viewing points, compared to the originally consented 100 m permitted models. These visual representations are best viewed on a large screen and may take time to load due to file size:
Nearby wind farms
There are a number of operational wind farms and wind farm development projects within 10 km of the site. These include:
Noise assessment
An assessment of the potential noise impact of the proposed wind farm is being undertaken by a specialist acoustic agency.
There are strict guidelines on noise produced by wind turbines to ensure the protection of residential amenity for people living close by. All wind farms are required to adhere to strict noise limits, which are imposed and enforced through planning conditions.
Shadow flicker assessment
Updated shadow flicker assessment April 2024
Shadow flicker is the name given to a phenomenon caused when the sun is behind the turbine blades - as it rises or sets - casting a moving shadow over a small opening or window in a building and creating a flickering effect. A shadow flicker assessment is contained within the Environmental Statement, which forms part of the planning application. Shadow flicker limits will be strictly adhered to by the proposed wind farm and will be enforced by planning conditions.
A computer modelling programme has been used to calculate the incidence of potential shadow flicker, based on the positioning and dimensions of the turbines.
Transportation and haulage
Proposed turbine delivery route
We are carrying out an assessment of potential traffic impacts, including the movement of Heavy Goods Vehicles (HGVs) and abnormal loads to and from the site during construction.
It is anticipated that the turbine components will be shipped into Larne Harbour and will be transported by specialist hauliers along motorway and A-class roads before utilising minor road networks on the approach to the site from Omagh.
Once operational, site traffic will be reduced to servicing and maintenance works.
What happens next?
If you missed our public information event in September 2023, you can view the information boards.
Energia Renewables will submit a planning application to Fermanagh and Omagh District Council in the Autumn of 2024. Once submitted, planning application documents will be available to view at Fermanagh and Omagh District Council offices and on the Northern Ireland online planning portal
In the meantime, we will continue to upload the latest project information to this web page. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact the Energia Renewables team. You can find our contact details below.
Community benefit fund
We want local people to see and feel the benefit of renewable energy through our wind farm benefit funds, which support community groups, voluntary organisations and environmental projects situated near our operational wind farm sites.
The Clunahill community benefit fund will be designed to meet the needs of the local area and will be administered by an independent charitable foundation on behalf of Energia.
The first round of project grants will be made available after one year of wind farm operation.
Working with schools
The Energia Renewables Operations team are happy to facilitate school visits or classroom talks on renewable energy:
Contact details
If you have any questions about our operational wind farms, development sites or renewable energy projects, please contact our Community Liaison Officers by email at, or phone +44 (0)78 80432201.