Operational Wind Farms
Altamuskin, Eshmore & Gortfinbar, Co. Tyrone
These 3 County Tyrone wind farms have a combined annual community benefit fund of over £100,000. Grants are available for local community projects within a 5-mile radius of the centre of the 3 wind farms.
Altamuskin Wind Farm is located in Sixmilecross in County Tyrone. It consists of 6 Enercon E82 turbines with a total capacity of 14.1 MW and has been operational since 2017.

Eshmore Wind Farm is located in Galbally, near Dungannon in County Tyrone. It consists of 3 Enercon E82 turbines with a total capacity of 7.4 MW. It has been operational since 2017.

Gortfinbar Wind Farm is located in Carrickmore in County Tyrone. It consists of 5 Siemens SWT 3.0-101 turbines with a total capacity of 15 MW. It has been operational since 2016.

Maintenance updates
We will post operational and maintenance updates here.

'Tyrone Three' annual community benefit fund
Altamuskin, Eshmore and Gortfinbar wind farms operate a combined community benefit fund, known as the ‘Tyrone Three’, which has an overall annual fund of over £100,000.
The fund has been set up to ensure that these wind farms, whilst having obvious environmental benefits, will also provide significant social and economic benefits to the local community.
The combined fund provides both small one-off grants and larger capital funding for strategic projects. Grants are available for local community projects within a 5-mile radius of the centre of the 3 wind farms.
The fund is administered by the Community Foundation for Northern Ireland on behalf of Energia.

Eco-classroom project receives £7,500 grant
Cooley Primary School and Nursery Unit in Sixmilecross was awarded funding to help create an eco-classroom facility. The Parent Teacher Association used their £7,500 grant from Energia’s Tyrone Three community benefit fund to install a polytunnel to grow fruit and vegetables and develop an outdoor learning area. The community project has transformed what was an undeveloped, unused and overgrown section of the school grounds. Some pupils have enjoyed learning about growing their own fruit and veg so much that they now say they are interested in pursuing a career in horticulture.

Working with schools
It’s breath-taking to see a wind turbine up close. The Energia Renewables Operations team are happy to facilitate school visits or classroom talks on wind energy:
- Discover…how wind turbines generate electricity
- Learn… about local Energia wind farms
- Explore... the need for climate action and energy transition

Contact us
If you have any questions about any of our operational wind farms, development sites, battery storage facilities or renewable energy projects, please contact our Community Liaison Officer by email at clo@energia.ie, or phone +44 78804 32201.