Stakeholder Engagement and Materiality Assessment
Stakeholder Engagement
We understand how important our stakeholder views are. As a Group, we engage with a broad range of internal and external stakeholders including; our employees, commercial and residential customers, communities, regulators, industry groups, investors, non-governmental organisations, academia; rating agencies and other organisations that affect, or could be affected by, our activities and services.
Materiality Assessment
An important element of our ESG strategy is to understand the issues that are perceived to be most important or material to our stakeholders. In 2022 we conducted our first Materiality Assessment for ESG related matters seeking the views of our internal and external stakeholders.
The results of this assessment have informed our overall ESG approach and are summarised in Energia Group’s Materiality Matrix.
In line with our overall ESG approach, we will continue to refine our stakeholder and materiality approach in 2023 and our materiality matrix will be revised based on our continued engagement with key stakeholders and consideration of emerging challenges with a consistent focus on delivering our ESG Strategy.
In 2023, we extended our Materiality Assessment approach to include detailed stakeholder interviews to garner greater insights into the views of our stakeholders. Our approach to materiality will be regularly reviewed and our materiality matrix will be revised based on our continued engagement with key stakeholders and consideration of emerging challenges with a consistent focus on delivering our ESG Strategy.
Materiality Matrix
Overall the results indicate that our stakeholders view a range of Environmental, Social and Governance factors as being important to Energia Group. Half of the issues identified as most important are specific environmental factors. Some of the other issues identified are relevant to our decarbonisiation activities (e.g. community engagement) and there is also an important focus on health and safety and governance.