Construction Project

Drumlins Park, Co. Monaghan

Works commenced in March 2022 and we are now completing the commissioning of all eight turbines with commercial operation due to start in the summer of 2024.

Site details



The wind farm is made up of eight wind turbines, generating up to 49 MW of renewable energy - enough to meet the annual electricity needs of around 34,000 Irish households.

The development will have a 30-year operational life from the date of commissioning.

Planning permission

Drumlins Park Wind Farm was granted planning permission in July 2020.  To find out more, visit the Monaghan County Council ePlan - Online Planning Details.

Planning permission for the Drumlins Park substation was approved by An Bord Pleanála in November 2021.  Details can be found here: 309119 | An Bord Pleanála (

You can view a high resolution version of the site layout map here.

Construction timeline


Commissioning phase still to complete

All turbine components have now been installed on site.  Turbines are now being commissioned ahead of the official start of commercial operation.


Turbine delivery route 

Turbine components were transported overnight along the national and regional road network from Waterford Port. Components were carried along the M1 and N2 to Monaghan Town before travelling via the R188, R183 and R189 (via Swans Cross and Newbliss) to the site entrance - arriving before 7am to minimise any disruption for road users. In order to accommodate oversized loads, some permanent and temporary upgrade works have been undertaken at certain points along this route.

Part of the wind farm construction works include permanent upgrades to the L62012 and L62013 local roads.

Community benefit fund to start allocating grants in May 2025

We want local people to see and feel the benefit of renewable energy through our wind farm benefit funds, which support community groups, voluntary organisations and environmental projects situated near our wind farms.

The Drumlins Park community benefit fund will be designed to meet the needs of the local area and will be administered by an independent charitable foundation on behalf of Energia.   It will operate in accordance with Wind Energy Ireland (formerly IWEA) best practice and grants will be made available after one year of wind farm operation.

Working with schools

It’s breath-taking to see a wind turbine up close. The Energia Renewables Operations team are happy to facilitate school visits or classroom talks on wind energy:

  • Discover…how wind turbines generate electricity
  • Learn… about local Energia wind farms
  • Explore... the need for climate action and energy transition

Contact details

If you have any questions about our operational wind farms, development sites, battery storage facilities or renewable energy projects, please contact our Community Liaison Officers by email at, or phone +44 (0)78 80432201 or +353 (0)87 9944952.