Solar Projects

Paddock, Co. Meath

We are developing plans to construct a new 110 kV transmission substation in the townland of Paddock in County Meath to facilitate the export of renewable energy from Energia solar developments into the national grid.

Paddock 110 kV Substation

(Title: Map of proposed Paddock 110 kV Substation location)

Energia Renewables plan to construct a new 110 kV transmission substation in the townland of Paddock, Kilbride Road, County Meath.  The proposed Paddock substation will facilitate the connection of three nearby Energia solar developments to the local electricity network.  

This will help Ireland to reach its 80% renewable electricity target by 2030, reducing our reliance on fossil fuels and increasing security of energy supply.

View full map PDF here

Energia Paddock solar developments

(Title: Map of proposed Paddock 110 kV Substation & Energia solar developments)

View full map PDF here.

You can find out more about our Paddock, Darthogue and Ballybin solar projects by scrolling down the page.

Paddock 110 kV Substation - Strategic Infrastructure Development


The proposed Paddock 110 kV Substation has been designated a Strategic Infrastructure Development (SID).

We have created a dedicated project website, where you can view photomontages, or visual representations, of what the proposed substation will look like. When we are ready to submit a planning application to An Bord Pleanála, you will be able to view all the associated planning documentation here.

We have also created a project brochure which you can download here

Paddock solar development


The proposed Paddock solar farm is located in the townland of Paddock, near Ratoath, in County Meath.  It will have an export capacity of up to 70 MW MEC (export capacity), generating enough renewable electricity to meet the annual energy needs of over 20,000 Irish households every year.

The site has been carefully selected and is well screened with mature trees and hedges. We have undertaken a wide range of environmental assessments, including landscape and visual, heritage and archaeology, ecology, hydrology, glint and glare, and more.

A planning application was submitted to Meath County Council in July 2021 and granted planning consent later that year in September.  Click here to view the Council planning website.

Click here to view original information brochure.

View full Paddock site layout pdf here

Darthogue solar development



The proposed Darthogue solar installation, near Ratoath in County Meath, will have an export capacity of up to 47MW MEC (export capacity). It will generate enough renewable electricity to meet the annual energy needs of around 12,500 homes a year and produce CO2 savings of over 15,000 tonnes per annum.  That’s equivalent to taking over 8,000 cars off the road every year.

A planning application for the Darthogue solar development was submitted to Meath County Council in August 2020 and was granted planning consent later that year in December.  Click here to view the Council planning website.

You can view and download our original project brochure here.

Ballybin solar development


We are developing plans for a solar PV installation in the townland of Ballybin, near Ashbourne, in County Meath.  The development will have an export capacity of up to 13 MW MEC (export capacity).

A planning application for the Ballybin development was submitted to Meath County Council in September 2021.  Click here to see the Council planning website.

View full layout of map here

Solar FAQs

What to expect as a resident living near a solar farm: we’ve compiled of the most frequently asked questions here.

Community benefit funds

We want local people to see and feel the benefit of renewable energy through our community benefit funds, which support community groups, voluntary organisations, schools and environmental projects situated near our renewable energy developments.

Our solar community benefit funds will be designed to meet the needs of the local area and will be administered by an independent charitable foundation on behalf of Energia.   They will operate in accordance with industry best practice and grants will be made available one year after the start of commercial operation.

Contact us

If you have any questions about any of our operational wind farms, development sites, battery storage facilities or renewable energy projects, please contact our Community Liaison Officer by email at, or phone + 353 (0) 8799 44592.

Paddock 110 kV Substation

Paddock solar development


Darthogue solar development

Ballybin solar development